I have reads this book twice. At first I took it as a normal children’s book, but I could not put all pieces of the puzzle together. There was stuff that seemed only an older person would understand. After doing some research I realised the author’s true intention when writing this book. George Orwell wrote a fable, basically a cartoon book of the Russian Revolution. Every incident is an allegorical, meaning it has some deeper meaning. Characters are representations of various world politicians or history makers. It is a unique book with situations that are so realistic and can actually be visible in today’s world. The ways of leaders and more importantly the greed for power. The book is all about Animalism, how animals overthrow their enemies the humans. Thereafter the pigs, who are regarded the most intelligent and take rank of leader become corrupted and act in the same way as humans. It makes one see how easily the mass can be manipulated into believing issues for the leaders gain but fail to see it. The entire revolution is a dream of a pig that died at the beginning but his vision lived on.
“Two legs bad, four legs good”
“Two legs bad, four legs good”
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