Saturday, August 25, 2007

Letter To The Editor - The Citizen

12 Othman Gani Dr

The Editor
The Citizen


South Africa is being destroyed by crime.

I am a very concerned South African citizen. I might be young but my future lies in this country. South Africa is not in a very good state, this is all due to in my opinion, crime. Crime levels are rising instead of decreasing. Where is our country headed?

Here are some statistics that I had taken by researching in the newspaper during 1 week in the month of May: (The figures are not totally accurate.)
21 people murdered
4 woman raped
1 kidnapped child
Incidents of stolen cables and water pumps

I am tied of reading newspapers, all I see are crimes but no action. I am scared to leave my house each day, each night I have fear before sleeping. Life is never promised but with crime it’s more at a stake. Murdering is getting out of hand, it was shocking for me to see a policeman had killed his wife. Another policeman had raped a lady. It is devastating to see such incidents. I wonder whether our country will be able to host 2010 successfully. Indeed we have a beautiful country with a lot of potential but crime is eating all away. Will the government ever be able to decrease crime. The jails are been filled to the brim and they therefore release prisoners in short spans.

I believe is South Africa want to increase its esteem, drastic measures would have to be taken. I think the death penalty should be brought back. People would be much more afraid and maybe come back to senses. The death penalty would be able to cut down a lot of crime. To me that’s the only resolution. Crime is a big norm and it should be dealt with.

Concerned citizen of South Africa
Aishah Moga

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