Thursday, April 24, 2008

Luck or No Luck?


Superstition, an important factor in modern days. Some may laugh at such beliefs while others take it seriously. Personally I don’t blame those who laugh, after all these beliefs are based on no reason or knowledge.

A well written play by William Shakespeare explains men and superstition. Beliefs started from decades ago. In Julius Caesar, we hear and see how people believe in such beliefs. You might laugh at the play but have you ever thought how major superstition is around us today. Many have been passes down through generations.

In Roman times superstition was famous. They had many beliefs which are said to have proved in their lives. They celebrated numerous festivals and believed in sooth-Sayers.
The Feast of Lupercal, on the 15th of February played an important role in the Roman calendar. Like Christmas is celebrated annually, this day was celebrated in honour of god Pan, the queen of fertility. The belief was looked upon by all, young and old, rich and poor, including Caesar. The belief was that if a nude man touched a infertile women while running in a race on that specific day she will be able to procreate. For those women who were fertile, they would bear more. We see in the play, Caesar requests for Antony to touch Calphurnia, from this we gain knowledge that Caesar wants children but Calphurnia was infertile. A man of such honour yet desperate for children falls for such beliefs.

It was not only that belief in Roman times. Sooth-Sayers are supposedly known for the power of predicting the future. They walked around warning people and predicting future events. A sooth-sayer once warned Caesar of the 15 of march, the day he was going to die. Caesar was arrogant and did not believe him. The sooth-Sayers prediction was proven true. Sooth-Sayers weren’t always taken serious due to not having some sort of formal office or asking for a fee, due to this people took them lightly.

There were numerous beliefs in ancient days, some are still known today. I have knowledge of only a few Roman beliefs. One belief that I hate is the star signs, their root is from Greek times. The star signs are believed by many. It is advertised and shown in various places. You can find them in a simple magazine. Surprisingly many actually read such stuff and think their life will turn out as how this person predicted.

In modern superstition you get various categories. The daily lucky or unlucky beliefs, religious issues and magic. One that I always laugh about is unlucky number 13. If it was that bad why have the number 13 in the first place. You get pregnancy superstitions, such as if a women has two spoons in her saucer she will have ginger twins. You also get wedding superstitions, such as a bride who eats from a pot on her wedding day, it will rain on her wedding day. Such superstitions amuse and confuse me.

One point I would want people to understand is that religious beliefs are not superstition. If you laugh or mock such beliefs you are abusing people’s right of religion. Religious beliefs are different, they are derived from somewhere. The religion on the other hand should be authentic and should have proof. Religious beliefs are labelled by outsiders as superstitious, but one should understand that religious beliefs are totally different. Beliefs added in recent times to ones religion are wrong. Alterations are not allowed. Therefore if your religion is authentic and have proof nobody could criticize it.

We can gather how people believe in what they want to, just to suit their needs. Caesar had wanted children therefore believed in Lupercal. On the other hand, why did he not take the sooth-Sayers nor his wife’s dream seriously, to prove that he was brave. Men are a funny creation. Our minds can back stab us. If Caesar had just stayed at home and listened to his people, his life might have been saved.

The question is, why do men believe in such stuff? If you know the result could be good or bad, what assurance do you have that it is 100% true. Then again you have no assurance. You believe in what suits you. Due to someone having bad luck with an incident you become a follower of that believe. It shows how manipulative people can be on you. If today you laugh at some superstition, and due to some accident it comes true, will you believe in it? If you do, you are false to yourself.

As I said men are a funny creation. There are so many lies or false beliefs touring this world. But you actually find followers. How low can you be in your religion? How false can you be to yourself? As the saying goes, small things amuse small minds. Silly things dumb struck silly people. Don’t be a victim of such beliefs. Your life will become dependant on such issues (star signs). You will no longer be able to think for yourself.

Superstition is an unreliable belief. Why believe in it? Allah has told us not to, he has warned us against such things. It is harm. We can never predict the future nor make things happen which are not in our control. We are in the hands of Allah. We do not have all in life, some suffer due to a disadvantage of no basic necessities. Be thankful for what we do have and take time as it comes, don’t be inquisitive and demanding for what we cant control. Life is unpredictable, if you going to die, there is nothing we can do to stop it. It is Allah’s will.

We should learn from peoples mistakes and don’t make the same. Caesar is a good example. See what superstitious beliefs did to him. It is not always a joke, but some statements are hilarious. It is lighter than magic but more common than magic. It works on ones mind set. If you weak in your faith, you don’t believe in your own judgements and seek extra in life. You can be led astray easily.

Because of your beliefs! Beware of what people tell you. Don’t be a victim of nonsense. Superstition is growing each day each day, don’t fall or let anyone fall for it.

A Proud Citizen of My Country

I stand before you today as a proud citizen of South Africa. Are you a proud citizen of your country? The place where you were born, grew up in, who blessed you with education and gained you peace.

I quote the words of sister Nuray from her poem Palestine:
“I’m a child who’s lost his home,
Who’s lost his friends and family
The Only thing I have left is my life
And the place which was left for me.”

This is a child, an innocent citizen of Palestine, suffering. No matter the difficulties they encounter, the struggle they go through. They remain strong believers of Islam and citizens of their country. Strangers thrash their homes, kill their family members but they are brave in their hearts. The old and young, rich and pour are all loyal to their country.

I quote again from her poem:
“One day I will be able to pray in Masjidul Al Aqsa freely
With my head held up high
With my people celebrating one day in joy
And having their right to live under a secure sky”

This shows her hope for her country. What she believes her future would be. It is a very bad time in her country, showing very little development yet she remains positive. She can see the green grass after the burning veld.

Can you imagine yourself in such a situation? Not knowing what is even happening around you but striving for your own survival. I doubt I will be able to stand and look in the eyes of my enemy without my legs trembling. All I will have is fear, no hope for my life. I tend to judge situations on the negative side, always thinking nothing will improve. But from today my thinking has changed.

In South Africa at the moment we are in an internal crisis. It is minute yet bringing the country down. We suffer from crime, government leadership, poverty, electricity problems and so forth. I think we are all aware of the problems since we have been degrading the status of our country and complaining endlessly at the problems we face.

We are so dependant on luxury equipment, if we are forced to do without it, it becomes a major problem. For the many years we had electricity did we ever thank Allah or appreciate your country for it. We take things for granted. Once a problem is at hand we start pointing fingers at every person to blame it on except ourselves.

Recently I attended a wedding; I sat by a table with female adults. The only discussion that was running, was the endless complaining of South Africa and how the are encouraging their children to leave the country. I think that if the youth leave the country, there is no future left here. Who so ever leaves this country on such basis I believe are cowards, harsh to mention but they are afraid to face the problems and don’t even put a bit of effort to improve the conditions.

Nuray of Palestine is suffering in a war, it is unsafe for her to leave the door of her house. Yet she lives in her country, stands with her people and prays to Allah. We cannot stand up for ourselves leave alone our country. All we say is flee, flee, flee; this country is heading six feet under. Why can’t we bring this land six feet on top?

After every happy incident there will be tough times, and after those tough times happy times will appear again. This is the cycle of life. So when a problem arises we cant go jump of a cliff or mourn the entire time. Start helping and make a difference in your country, the least you could do is guide your country back to positive times.

I intend living in my country, striving for the best. I want my children to live in the country I believe is blessed. I’m a proud citizen of South Africa and they will grow to be too. It’s your time to make the decision, are you going to flee your country or be a proud citizen?

Propaganda in My Opinion

Propaganda is a way of persuading people to believe in something. Its first move is by distorting the truth. The view is given one sided only. It could be involving: social, economical, cultural or political affairs. The system is directed to the population via media communication (newspapers, radio, TV and adverts). It could be done sarcastically or with jargon (political high language). Many times the government uses such ways to gain support. It is a way of indoctrinating and dramatising issues, resulting in brainwashing people.
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